World of Horror will finally release in Summer 2023-

Accalimed indie World of Horror will exit three years of Early Access this coming summer, according to developer panstasz and publisher Ysbryd Games. world of Horror has had a long development cycle, first releasing in February 2020, but devotees have been thrilled at each new update over that time. 

If you’re not tuned into it yet, World of Horror is probably going to be one of those games you hear about from people for years to come. One of the only games in its space, it’s a fusion of horror that’s so weird it’s sometimes goofy with a stylized aesthetic and semi-roguelike survival horror RPG gameplay.

Its most recent update was in late October of this year, Blood Moon, and added new items, mysteries, and character origins to afflict the randomized horror town.

You can buy the (wrong) photo of Tali from Mass Effect on the BioWare store-

My friends, money can buy you love. Or it can over at the BioWare store, anyway, where you can currently pick up a framed version of that picture of Tali from the end of Mass Effect 3 (spotted by Kotaku), the one she only gives you if you chose to romance her. For the low, low cost of $30, you can possess a portrait for your mantelpiece that will raise the eyebrows of visitors for years to come.

Here’s the problem for me, though: It’s the wrong one. The Tali portrait in the BioWare store uses the picture from Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, an original artwork that replaced the lightly edited, controversy-generating stock photo from the original ME3: “attractive woman in field smiling with sunset”.

While you’ll never catch me yucking anyone’s yum in these hallowed pages, I h…